How the impact of work on climate change has become one of the major concerns of employees

A study by Unedic shows that it has become a daily concern for more and more employees in France.

Eight out of ten working people want their work to be in line with the fight against climate change, according to a study just published by Unedic, the organization that manages unemployment insurance, with the Elabe Institute, which surveyed 2 000 people.

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Thus, 38% hope that their work contributes positively to protecting the environment. And 46% count well that at least it does not have a negative impact. However, in reality, it is different: French employees are only 20% to judge that their current work indeed contributes positively to the ecological transition. A quarter do not know what it is, and whether their work has a negative or positive impact on the state of the planet.

Employees are also asking for better training in these matters. More than one in two, 54%, believe that they should be better trained in these issues. “While they largely share concerns about climate change, working people appear somewhat helpless when it comes to the need to acquire an ecological culture.”, notes Unedic. The employees simply believe that the level of skills of the assets is not up to the ecological challenges, comments the Novethic site.

If it does not suit: we change jobs

To make their convictions and their work consistent, many go so far as to consider changing jobs. No less than a quarter of them could change profession, company or even sector to align their convictions with their professional life. A movement that had spotted in Great Britain or the United States a few weeks ago.

A very large survey had highlighted a tendency to “conscious quitting”, resignation for reasons of conscience. According to this study, half of respondents considered leaving their employer because it did not have the same environmental priorities as them. And a third of them say they have already done so, without waiting.

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