While the Ile-de-France region is cutting its budgets, it must ratify on Wednesday a reduction of 350,000 euros in subsidies from the air quality monitoring institute in the Paris region.
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The Ile-de-France region must make savings in the face of a complicated situation linked to inflation and the energy crisis, she explains. Consequence: certain subsidies will therefore experience a reduction, notably that of Airparif, an air quality monitoring institute in the Paris region.
This reduction, of an average of 20%, must be ratified on Wednesday January 10, during the Airparif Board of Directors and causes incomprehension as nearly 8,000 people have died in 2022 in Ile-de-France, due to air pollution.
“A good thermometer”
In total, the Region plans to reduce its subsidy in favor of Airparif by 350,000 euros. “We are reducing expenses, we have asked for efforts from all the organizations we subsidize and we are applying these efforts to ourselves as well,” assures Olivier Blond, special delegate for the fight against air pollution, who justifies this decision at the microphone of franceinfo.
“Airparif is a good thermometer but it ‘only’, in a certain way, measures air quality. What is important today is to find ways to reduce pollution. And that , we are doing this in particular by investing massively in public transport: one billion euros this year alone to fight against automobile pollution.”
Olivier Blondat franceinfo
This argument makes Airparif cringe, which refuses to be compared solely to a thermometer. Among its missions: providing information to Ile-de-France residents but also, for example, setting up systems in the metro to improve air quality. Contacted by franceinfo, the institute confirms that it is wondering about the future of its missions, particularly in this Olympic year, where the nuisance will be significant. Choices will have to be made, assures Airparif, in the studies to be carried out, in the equipment chosen, but also in the workforce.