How the host had stung the place of Jean-Pascal Lacoste in a famous show on TF1 …

If her news is written far from the TV sets, Nathalie Vincent will have left millions of viewers with memories. It was in 1996 that she took her first steps on television by taking the head of M6 Kid. Then in the early 2000s, the bubbly blonde was entrusted with several other shows on the same channel, such as E = M6, Amazing animals and Dance Machine. Without forgetting Hit machine and Star Six which she co-presented with Alexandre Delpérier. Her television experience then continued in 2003, on TF1. Jean-Pierre Pernaut will make him a place in the show How much does it cost in which she presents a column entitled The cost of Nathalie’s madness.The front page will make room for him in another show, Incredible but true. A program that offers several extraordinary stories (dramas, records, unusual images and videos, spectacular live performances …), sometimes going beyond reality, with the help of reports, and if necessary of reconstructions. In January 2007, the program changed its format with the deletion of the sections: Did you know ?, Incredible but IDIOT and Incredible but STUPID. Sophie Favier, Jean-Pascal Lacoste and Roger Pierre give way to Nathalie Vincent, co-host alongside Bruno Roblès.

The red carpet is on! A brand new decor for an original duo. New sections (the incredible but real animals, the incredible but true talents, the incredible but true destinies, the incredible but true TV, the incredible but true places) for 90 minutes of extraordinary footage. But the show is transferred to the subsidiaries of the group TMC and TV Breizh in September 2008 under the title, Incredible but true, the mag! with Denis Maréchal and Sandra Lou at the presentation. See also: “I don’t have a guy!” : Bruno (Les 12 Coups de midi) lets loose live in TPMP … under the spell, Matthieu Delormeau tries an approach


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