how the ‘freedom convoy’ against health restrictions is wreaking havoc on the streets of Ottawa

He judges the situation “completely out of control”. The mayor of Ottawa ended up declaring a state of emergency on Sunday, February 6. For more than a week now, the city center of the Canadian capital has been paralyzed by opponents of the health measures taken to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic. The Parliament district is occupied by hundreds of truckers from all over the country. The “freedom convoy”, as the movement calls itself, has since been joined by other protesters. The police admit their inability to control the movement which has since spread to other major cities in the country. Franceinfo summarizes the situation for you.

Downtown Ottawa blocked

Initially, the “freedom convoy” was launched “to protest against US-Canada regulations requiring cross-border truckers to be fully vaccinated in order to enter the US and Canada”recalls the Washington Post. The motorcade arrived in the streets of Ottawa on Saturday January 29th. The largest convoy left on January 22 from British Columbia, covering 4,300 kilometers west of it in a week. Day by day, this contestation ended up being transformed into “a movement of opposition to all sanitary measures and to [Justin] Trudeau”, the Canadian Prime Minister, re-elected in September.

Over the weekend, the protest in Ottawa resulted in “towering roadblocks, the firing of fireworks, vehicles driving on the sidewalks and the incessant horns of truck drivers”describes the Washington Post. The Canadian channel CTV News counted “about 500 trucks and other vehicles” still stationed in the center of the capital, Sunday morning. The demonstrators are determined: they want to continue their occupation until the health restrictions are lifted.

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Exasperated residents

The cohabitation between the inhabitants and the demonstrators is not easy. Exasperated by the chaos caused by the movement, by the incessant sound of horns, and by the insults of which they are the target, residents demand the resignation of the mayor and the head of the police forces.

An Ottawa lawyer has filed a class action lawsuit “on behalf of thousands of residents” reports The Press. He is seeking millions of dollars in damages and an injunction “prohibiting the continuity of the nuisance”.

Over the weekend, organizers announced in a “goodwill gesture” their intention to stop the horn concerts for a few hours on Sunday. time to respect the “day of the Lord”.

The mayor of the capital exceeded

The mayor of Ottawa also feels helpless. Faced with a situation “out of control”, Jim Watson declared a state of emergency on Sunday. This declaration “reflects the grave danger as well as the threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the continued protests and underscores the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government”says the town hall in a press release (in English). “We are losing the battle (…) we must take back our city”hammered the aedile, judging “unacceptable” the behavior of the protesters who obstruct the streets of the city center and tirelessly honk the horns of their trucks.

Such a measure “also provides greater flexibility within the municipal administration to allow the City of Ottawa to manage business continuity to ensure essential services” residents, says the town hall.

Police officers overwhelmed

During an emergency meeting with elected municipal officials, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly complained on Saturday that he did not have sufficient means to put an end to this “state of siege” and demanded “additional resources”. He was heard in part: some 250 members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (a federal police force) are expected shortly as reinforcements. On the other hand, the deployment of the army, demanded by some, is not on the agenda.

Criticized for not being able to prevent the paralysis of the center of the capital, the local police announced their intention to prevent the protesters from being supplied, particularly with fuel. “Anyone who tries to provide material support (fuel, food, etc.) to the demonstrators risks being arrested. This measure is now in force”she warned in a tweet.

Fines have also started to be issued. Between Saturday and Sunday morning, the police issued 450 tickets, in particular for nocturnal noise. “The state of emergency and the increase in police interventions represent a significant change in the response to the chaotic situation in Ottawa”, observes CBS News (in English).

Other cities affected

The protests, which began in Ottawa, have spread to other major Canadian cities. Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Quebec… In the capital of the French-speaking province, the demonstrators announced that they would leave the city on Sunday evening, promising however to return in two weeks, once the Carnival is over. They seem to have kept their promise: the Quebec police announced in the evening on Twitter that the “all trucks immobilized” had left town.

Justin Trudeau Silent

Justin Trudeau, personally targeted by the demonstrators, is walled in silence, is surprised Politico. The Canadian Prime Minister, who in late January called the protesters “marginal minority”, has not made any public comment since Thursday on the “movement which authorities say includes extremists and far-right members, receives substantial funding from US donors, has been applauded by former President Donald Trump and draws comparisons” with the attack on the Capitol, in Washington, on January 6, 2021, recalls Politico.

The head of government did post messages on social networks over the weekend. But it was to wish a “happy Birthday” to her daughter and to congratulate Isabelle Weidemann who won the first medal for the Canadian team at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Not a word about the situation in Ottawa, where he lives. Which makes Robin V. Sears, columnist at the Toronto Star than “Something snapped this week in Canada. The nation that has always somewhat blissfully admired its values ​​of civility and respect seems to be gone, replaced by something far more American than Canadian.”

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