According to opinion polls, the founder of La France Insoumise is more rejected than the former president of the National Rally.
Reading time: 6 min

As one party becomes less demonized, the other is becoming increasingly worrying. Since the National Rally (RN) and its allies came out on top in the first round of legislative elections on June 30, representatives of the far right have made the New Popular Front (NFP) their main target. The party’s president, Jordan Bardella, described “the extreme left” of “existential threat”. His camp has multiplied attacks, often false, against the NFP, accused for example of wanting to disarm the police. In this flood of offensives, uA name that keeps coming up: that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, associated with “chaos” by RN spokesperson Julien Odoul on franceinfo.
LThe RN’s strategy is clear: wave the Mélenchon red flag to discredit the alliance of left-wing parties. It must be said that the founder of La France Insoumise is seen as a scarecrow for a majority of voters, including on the left. His hypothetical nomination to Matignon would be “a bad thing” for 78% of respondents, according to an Ipsos poll published on June 27. In this survey, no other political figure recorded such a rejection rate, not even RN MP Marine Le Pen, with 55% of unfavorable opinions. In another Ipsos barometer for The Sunday Tribune, published on June 22, only Eric Zemmour aroused more discontent than Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the run-up to the 2027 presidential election.
How the third man in the 2022 presidential election did it come to this? “It’s a long story“explains to franceinfo Etienne Ollion, research director in sociology at the CNRS. “OWe could chronicle his excesses, like the episode of ‘La République, c’est moi’ [lors d’une perquisition à son domicile en 2019] or his anger against journalists“he lists. “Of the Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s positions, particularly on international affairs, as well as his antagonistic way of doing politics largely explain this rejection”adds Mathieu Gallard, research director at Ipsos.
For several months, this rejection of Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been rubbing off on his political movement. The Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 marked “a shift” for LFI, Etienne Ollion points out. Party officials have been criticized for having refused to call Hamas a terrorist organization for a time. Others have been accused of a form of anti-Semitism. “This accusation, real or supposed, is a poison Perfect”which has poisoned the European and legislative campaigns of the left, believes the sociologist.
The disgrace of the leader of the “insoumis” coincides with another phenomenon, which began a long time ago: the de-demonization of Marine Le Pen and the RN. “We are at a crossroads of the fear curves produced by the RN and LFI”notes Mathieu Gallard.
“We are witnessing a shift in the figure of the devil, which was occupied by Jean-Marie Le Pen 20 years ago.”
Etienne Ollion, director of research in sociology at the CNRSto franceinfo
“Since taking over the party in 2012, Marine Le Pen has set up a campaign to de-demonize it by smoothing out the RN’s program, even if its central elements remain, and by relegating the most problematic figures to the background”describes Etienne Ollion. While the RN has long been seen as an anti-Semitic party, Marine Le Pen’s presence at the march against anti-Semitism in October 2023 symbolized the culmination of her strategy. The LFI elected officials did not participate, attracting much criticism.
After the election of 89 RN deputies in 2022, Marine Le Pen established group discipline. Proper dress, courtesy and restraint required, a “tie strategy” intended to display the respectability of its elected representatives. The complete opposite of LFI, which chose “a strategy of scandalization”according to Etienne Ollion. The “insoumis” elected officials distinguished themselves through media stunts in the National Assembly, by brandishing placards against the use of Article 49.3 for the pension reform in March 2023 or by appearing dressed in the colors of the Palestinian flag last June. “This strategy had worked in 2017 and the LFI deputies had made themselves heard when there were less than 20 of them, but this created tensions in 2022, particularly with the Macronist elected officials”observes the researcher.
This attitude has earned the Mélenchonist deputies accusations of “to mess up” the hemicycle by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. “I can no longer sit in this chamber,” also whispered the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, in June 2023. In recent weeks, during the campaign for the early legislative elections, the presidential camp has increased its criticism.
“In the majority, we heard talk of the fight against ‘the extremes’, with an equal sign placed between LFI and the RN.”
Etienne Ollion, director of research in sociology at the CNRSto franceinfo
The “neither-nor” of the Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, on Monday, on France Inter, provoked the anger of the environmentalist Marine Tondelier. Over the years, “The majority has been very active in bringing about a transformation in language and practices”recalls Etienne Ollion. “After the election of Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen in 2022, theThe Republican front did not last long. The Macronists then began to speak of a ‘Republican arc’, which in fact excludes LFI”he notes.
These developments have had repercussions in the press and on the sets. “A series of media spaces take up the vocabulary of ‘extremes’ and give it credence”observes Etienne Ollion. In addition, left-wing leaders are irritated by the recurring questions from journalists about Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “This very short campaign was not about programs, but about people and strategies”notes the sociologist, “which has reinforced the tendency of political journalism to focus on these subjects rather than on ideas and their consequences”.
Four days before the second round of the legislative elections, the consequences of the demonization of a part of the left are still uncertain. Will it influence the vote of Renaissance voters in the event of a duel between the NFP and the RN? The risk of “neither-nor” is “to increase confusion among voters who have to make a choice in the second round”believes Etienne Ollion. Gabriel Attal’s call “not to give a voice to the RN” might not be heard. According to an Odoxa barometer for Public Sénat published on June 25, 47% of voters surveyed say they are ready to block the NFP, more than the 41% who want to block the RN.
“The problem is that the left needed LFI and Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the first round, but their presence becomes a real handicap for the second.”
Mathieu Gallard, research director at the Ipsos instituteto franceinfo
Beyond the legislative elections, could the deterrent effect be reversed again? For Mathieu Gallard, everything will depend on the situation”once Jean-Luc Mélenchon has left politics” : “Will the party still be strong or will it collapse without its founder?” In the immediate future, the strategy adopted by the “insoumis” and the entire left in the next National Assembly could prove decisive.