how the executive tries to avoid conflagration


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

J.Wittenberg, C.Motte, J.Assouly, H.Capelli, S.Guibout, N.Berthier, V.Vermot-Gaud B.Geron, A.Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

Two days after Nahel’s death, the executive fears a third night of violence. However, the government refuses to trigger the state of emergency, demanded by the right.

It is not the state of emergency, but already a meeting decided in urgency which was held Thursday, June 29 in the morning. The crisis council was brought together by Emmanuel Macron the day after numerous violence perpetrated during the night. France had not known such a night since 2005, the specter that the government fears. On his side, Eric Ciotti recommends establishing a state of emergency. Elisabeth Borne and Gérald Darmanin have, for their part, multiplied visits to the places most affected. The Prime Minister has closed the debate for the time being.

Instructions given to the police?

A call for calm was launched by the executive. In addition, directives have been given to the police, according to information from France Télévisions. They must not make use, except in extreme cases, of LBD and not carry out identity checks. This information was denied by the Minister of the Interior.

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