how the cities of Marseille visited by Macron were “cleaned” before his arrival

As part of his three-day trip to Marseille, Emmanuel Macron visited several cities in the northern districts. It appears that the streets were cleared just before his arrival.

The spring cleaning before the arrival of the Head of State. This Monday, June 26, Emmanuel Macron visited the city of Busserine as part of his three-day trip to Marseille for the launch of Act II of the “Marseille en Grand” plan. For the arrival of the president, some cleaning services had obviously cleared the way. “Everything was very quiet, very cleanreports a trader to France 3 Provence-Alpes. Even the tramps have been dislodged! They had installed their houses at the red light, they were no longer there for the arrival of the president”.

“They removed the rubble, the tags from the narcotic plans, the carts that the lookouts use… Crazy stuff” testifies another resident of Busserine to Release.

The next day at La Castellane, the cleaning agents also thoroughly cleaned the streets of the city visited by the president, reports Provence (subscribed article). The excavators expected for months have thus carried away the rubble, tires and wreckage of vehicles which cluttered the district. Even tall grass that harbors cockroaches, rats and even snakes has been pruned, the newspaper reports.

A cleaning with forceps which leaves a slightly bitter taste among the inhabitants. “This visit could have been useful if everything had not been cleaned in a hurry, if the President had been able to see our real living conditions”, deplores Sylliane to Provence. “When you arrive, you see the cleaning of a neighborhood that has been abandoned for years. We don’t live in this neighborhood, we survive”, explains a mother at the microphone of BFM Marseille Provence.

“The state of the school today is impeccable, we would like it to be the same all the time, not only when the president arrives”, regrets another mother, during the visit of the president of the Saint-André La Castellane school. “We cannot accept that the neighborhood be cleaned just before the arrival of the President, it must be all year round”, abounded, Monday, also the mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan at the microphone of BFM.

In September 2021, the spring cleaning had also been done during a previous visit by the president to Marseille. What Emmanuel Macron then recognized. “I agree with you: when the president arrives, we clean what can be cleaneddeclared the head of state. I take it as a form of politeness and hospitality, but that doesn’t settle the question of daily life. Like you, I note that there are donors who don’t do what they should be doing all year round. It is also a difficulty of this metropolis, the bad governance we must put pressure so that everyone takes their responsibility”.

Contacted, the Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, responsible for the cleanliness services of the agglomeration, has not yet responded to requests from France 3 Provence-Alpes.

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