How Nathalie Andreani (Secret Story) earns 150,000 euros per month?

There are reality TV contestants who continue in the business and earn nice sums of money, and there are those who prefer to take another path and earn even more by… selling charming photos. Among this last category, Nathalie Andreani. The most famous French cougar who made herself known to the general public thanks to her participation in Secret Story on TF1 a few years ago, and her relationship with a man much younger than her: Vivian.

Unfortunately, upon leaving the House of Secrets, the couple had a hard time staying together. After several appearances in various shows, they both decided to separate, before getting back together several times, to finally break up for good. Since then, everyone leads their own life. Nathalie Andreani has found love again in the arms of Gabano, ex-reality TV candidate and in particular princes of lovebut that does not prevent him from pursuing his lucrative business.

An astronomical sum!

But in the end, what is it? Exactly, the cougar gave the answer several months ago in an interview with seven to eight. She also revealed the huge amount of money she managed to earn through the sale of very naked videos and photos on many platforms such as OnlyFans Where Mym. “I was taking about 50 subscribers a day. But it’s huge 50 subscribers a day, at 20 euros (the subscription). I can earn 150,000 euros a month. We understood that there was a business to to do, that we had to structure ourselves. And that I shouldn’t be alone in this, because I think that on my own I wouldn’t have gotten this far”she explained during the interview.

Even if Nathalie Andreani earns a lot of money with her activity, she still wanted to warn young girls who want to do like her. “I do not recommend this to any young girl, even if tomorrow she will earn 20,000 or 30,000 euros per month”she confided at first before giving arguments for what she was advancing: “But a girl who is 20 years old, she has no perspective on her future. I have perspective on my past and on my future. Even if tomorrow I meet a man, I will be honest, I will assume responsibility. office, I’ll tell her what I did. A 20-year-old girl who is going to do this for two or three years, she’s going to take money of course, but if she meets someone and has children she’s going to hide from him”.

See also: Excluded Video: Vivian (LVDCB 3): “Tressia had no place in this adventure!”


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