How much will your bill increase from February 1st?

The gradual end of the tariff shield continues. On Sunday, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, announced a new increase in electricity prices from 8.6% to 9.8% on February 1.


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The State is gradually putting an end to the tariff shield (photo illustration).  (PATRICE MASANTE / MAXPPP)

The electricity bill will increase again on February 1st. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, specified, Sunday January 21, that the increase in the regulated rate will be between 8.6 and 9.8% for households and small businesses, an increase of 43 to 44%. In two years.

The increase in invoices on February 1 will depend on the contracts signed. For a household that does not heat with electricity, you will have to pay five euros more each month. For a household heating with electricity, in a detached house, count on 18 euros more every month.

This increase is not linked to the price of electricity, which has been falling in recent months, it is a political decision to gradually end the price shield. Since 2021, the government has reduced to a minimum an internal tax on electricity to one euro per megawatt hour instead of 32 before the crisis. A tax which rises, on February 1, to 21 euros.

Next increase in February 2025

Individuals will not be the only ones affected: for small businesses, the increase will be between 6 and 8% according to the Ministry of the Economy. Bruno Le Maire specifies that this increase will be the only one this year: the next one will not take place until February 2025.

To justify this decision, Bruno Le Maire simply puts forward the continuation of the exit whatever the cost. Until then, the State covered 37% of the French’s electricity bill, according to Bercy. This support has a cost, with a shortfall of 9 billion euros each year. This increase is therefore a step before the definitive exit from the tariff shield on February 1, 2025. The measure will also bring in, from this year, 6 billion euros to the State.

A “difficult but necessary” decision

Bruno Le Maire talks about a decision “difficult but necessary” to guarantee France’s investment capacities, finance renewable energies or even the energy check. If tomorrow there is another pandemic or another crisis, “we will be very happy to be able to protect the French”continues the Minister of the Economy.

However, opposition groups such as consumer associations had asked him not to validate this increase to avoid penalizing those most in difficulty already facing a drop in their purchasing power. No effort, the increase will even go well beyond the inflation forecast at 2.5% in 2024.

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