how much does it weigh on the body?

Sadness is a part of human life, one of the primary emotions children encounter right from the start.

Guillaume Douet, osteopath in Vienne, lists the repercussions on the functioning of our body.

This feeling has repercussions on our hormonal system:

  • cortisol in particular will counteract the hormones of joy,
  • it weakens the immune system,
  • he body has more difficulty managing weight, fat, etc.

Chronic fatigue prevents you from moving forward at a good pace, to which is added a feeling of heaviness.

It’s as if we had a ball to drag.

And the thoughts turn in a loop, without finding an answer.

When we are sad, we tend to isolate ourselves while being in the midst of loved ones releases oxytocin, the hormone of love, which we need.

How to react ? Already it is important to accept this pain, this sadness: we do not have the superpower to escape the sad phases, they are part of our existence. By accepting this feeling, we allow ourselves to cry. Evacuating sadness with tears is good, it follows a fatigue that invites sleep.

Let’s get vitamin D outside, sunbathing, moving is always good for our health, let’s go see people who are dear to us, it will do us good.

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