First some good news: Le Baffalou game bar in Poitiers has reopened its doors! Alexis Chapeau declares “that it was sold with the walls”, for our greatest pleasure, and he therefore returns with this new version of a game that he has already tested well.
The principle is very simple:
you will try to score points and therefore move forward on the track. We are on a set of questions, but the particularity is that you will self-assess before answering.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you put yourself into acronyms? I answered 5, I shouldn’t have because Alexis asked me what URSSAF meant. Suddenly I did not find the answer and I did not advance on the track, whereas if I had found the correct answer, I would have jumped 5 squares.
Most of the questions are rather far-fetched, even goofy. In Madonna how much do you wear? In compression socks, how many do you wear?…
– Base Editions and Pixie Games
Tu Te Remets Quoi 2 edited by Basic Editions and Pixie Games is suitable for ages 14 and up, 2 players and up to the whole family.
Price: around 36 euros.
Thank you Alexis Hat! (Did I already tell you he always wears one? How much do you pay for the answer?)