how Mossad wants to track down Hamas members


Video length: 2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: how Mossad wants to hunt down Hamas members

War between Israel and Hamas: how Mossad wants to track down Hamas members – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Vahramian, H. Nalbandian, M. Benoliel, A. Depoortere

France Televisions

Hamas members are Israel’s short, medium and long-term targets, wherever they are. The mission was entrusted to Mossad, the Israeli intelligence services.

The political and military leaders of Hamas are men on borrowed time. Israel has vowed to eliminate them all. “I ordered Mossad to act against the leader of Hamas, wherever he is”, declared Benjamin Netanyahu. From Qatar to Egypt, via Turkey, the hunt began. The head of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, is leading the operation. In 1973, after the assassination in Munich (Germany) at the Olympic Games of 11 of its athletes, the Mossad drew up a list of 20 to 35 Palestinian officials to be killed. They pursued them in France, Italy and Cyprus.

“Avenge” October 7

Yaakov Peri was head of the intelligence service in the 1980s. Mossad, he says, has relays in all countries, and does not hold back anything. “There is not just one way for these actions. You can hire a killer, you can plant a bomb in a car, in a house, in a telephone.”, he explains. Today, Hamas political leaders are in Qatar. “Even if we had the right information and it was possible to kill those responsible, which I doubt, Israel needs Qatar, because it is there that the release of the hostages is negotiated”indicates Yossi Melman, journalist, Mossad specialist.

Israeli services explain that a generation of agents will be dedicated to avenging October 7, and that the Mossad will not give itself any time limit.

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