how Michael, his son, has just made the French succumb!

He was not known to the general public until now. But by accepting the mission of becoming the director of the new season of “Star Academy”, Michael Goldman has decided to switch to the light! The son of the famous singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, always cited among the favorite personalities of the French, has obviously been able, according to Internet users, to pass perfectly the baptism of fire of his first bonus. This co-founder of “My Major Company” knew, by his calm, composed voice and his benevolent gaze, defusing all possible grenades from criticism! A decision that would even have been validated by his own father, as confided by the new director of the 2022 class: “He congratulated me when he knew that I was going to do the show. I’m not sure he has TV, but Star Ac, it’s one of the only shows where he had done a little promotion so he remembered it well”, he asserted.

Nikos he talked about the father of Michael Goldman, who is his father?”,

Difficult then for Nikos Aliagas, during the show last Saturday, not to wink at the relationship between Michael and Jean-Jacques. And here’s how he did it: at the end of the performance of the young Tiana, very stressed, the coaches and the director reassure the young woman who had forgotten to sing a sentence of the title “Until the end” of Amel Bent and Imen Es. Michael Goldman also told her that she had done well despite everything and that he himself could not do such a performance. Nikos Aliagas then jumps at the chance to launch: “Precisely in a moment, Michael Goldman takes over all the hits of his father!” A touch of humor that Internet users have appreciated and noted since many of them were unaware of the famous filiation of the new “dirlo”. As evidenced by some tweets: “Nikos he talked about the father of Michael Goldman, who is his father?”, “He made the valve to Jean-Jacques Goldman on his son haha ​​Nikos I love you”. Or : “Who like me learned that Michael Goldman was JJG’s son, that when Nikos said ‘Are you going to go on stage to sing all your father’s songs?’”. What is certain is that since this bonus which has thrilled all lovers of the famous program, Michael Goldman has made a name for himself!

France Live

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