how La République en Marche once again hopes to seduce civil society

In 2017, this civil society had to renew policy, change practices, restore efficiency in public action. Emmanuel Macron had gone there to draw support and then ministers: Nicolas Hulot, Agnès Buzyn or even Jean-Michel Blanquer.

THE’The objective of La République en Marche, for 2022, is therefore to renew the dialogue with these professionals: unions, NGOs, business leaders, economists, members of think tanks … “IThey have ideas, they must be dealt with“, blows a macronist.” Ltreat them “, this means in political language showing them signs of interest, listening to them, taking their proposals into account (or pretending to do so).

Such dialogue between civil society and macronia was certainly not broken: Emmanuel Macron still regularly consults intellectuals or the business world. MBut during the five-year term, we have also seen personalities distance themselves from the president: Nicolas Hulot obviously, but also economists like Jean Pisani-Ferry or Philippe Aghion. IThey believed hard as iron in Emmanuel Macron, built the candidate’s program, advised the president before throwing in the towel, disappointed in particular by the social ambitions of Emmanuel Macron.

PAmong the “targets to be treated” for 2022, according to La République en Marche, we find, for example, the head of the CFDT Laurent Berger. And LREM plans to relaunch certain recipes that worked quite well five years ago: according to our information, during an Executive Board of LREM on Monday, October 25, the thinking heads of the macronia validated the idea of ​​a “Great March”, field consultation as in 2017 to collect the ideas and complaints of the French. She will start in the field next weekend.

On start from the results, and we see what people liked and disliked“, explains an important member of Parliament.he campaign is also being prepared with recruitments within LREM. Rest a small detail that is important: “PAt the moment, officially, we do not yet have a candidate... “

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