How is your philanthropic index doing?

While the countdown to the end of 2022 is well underway, this time of year has always been favorable, even in a health crisis situation, to generosity. And Quebeckers certainly are. When it comes to gifts, yes. But also in terms of donations. Thus, many foundations will deploy a solicitation strategy on the eve of the Holidays. Your mailbox (real or virtual) should confirm this.

Are these shipments a waste of funds?

Short and long answer: no! When you wonder about the money spent to send you a solicitation envelope, you may think of the cost of the envelope, the letter, the stamp, the brochure, etc. And yes, there is a cost. But it is an investment expenditure that allows organizations to renew donors, but also to acquire new ones. At the end of the day, stationery expenses are quickly repaid by the simple fact that new donors contribute this year and possibly in the next ones as well. A philanthropic organization that would not see to renewing its pool of donors by limiting its costs is an organization that would live on an artificial respirator. So be lenient with them and allow them to seek more funding.

December, really the most generous period?

It took some time for Giving Tuesday to take root in Quebec, but it has become part of the habits of many organizations and donors. This is the kick-off in the latest annual effort. Because while we have long been conditioned to contribute to our RRSPs before the 1er March, the logic of December 31 applies for charitable donations. But believe it or not, the philanthropic index of donors is pretty much the same in winter, spring and fall, according to a recent study on the evolution of philanthropy in Quebec.⁠1.

Who to support?

The causes are many, I grant you. But they are also relevant. There are nearly 75,000 charitable organizations in the country, including 14,000 in Quebec. And that’s without taking into account the community organizations that do not necessarily have this status. So you are spoiled for choice. Because giving is not so much a question of money as a question of values, experience, trust and connection.

The choice to give to one or more organizations must certainly have an alignment with your values ​​and your commitments. It can also be related to a situation that you or someone close to you has experienced or is still experiencing today.

And ultimately, it’s a question of trust and connection in the mission, yes, but often even with the people who work in these organizations. Because philanthropy remains a sector where humans give to humans.

Beyond Money

There are many ways to support your community. It can be a donation – a vital part of fueling organizations. But it can also take the form of volunteering. And volunteering can take the form of direct support, expertise and even governance. In English we refer to the 3Ts: Time, Treasure and Talent.

So by December 31, take a look at your wallet, your agenda and what matters to you and shine your philanthropic index to the organizations you have chosen to support and who need you now, tomorrow and throughout the year. year.

*Daniel H. Lanteigne, ASC, C. Dir., CFRE, CHRP, is also a senior consultant with BNP Philanthropic Performance and chair of the National Advisory Committee for Canada’s Volunteer Awards.

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