Video length: 2 min
Animal parks: how is visitor safety ensured?
Animal parks: how is visitor safety ensured?
Some animal parks now offer visitors the opportunity to sleep at night among the animals. The facilities are particularly secure.
Sleeping among wild animals: strong emotions guaranteed for a night. For several years, some wildlife parks have offered luxury accommodation for observing animals up close. “The development of ecolodges in wildlife parks is due to the fact that customers increasingly want a real experience in these parks”clarifies Didier Arino, the general director of the consulting firm Protourisme.
The facilities are particularly secure. At La Flèche zoo (Sarthe), visitors can sleep in one of the lodges. Armored glazing guarantees security. Bringing man and wildlife together is not easy, especially with wolves. “Wolves in the wild are harmless to humans. (…) On the other hand, when we enter an enclosure with animals in captivity, which have lost their fear of humans, then these animals can be very dangerous., explains Farid Benhammou, geographer, specialist in wolves and bears. In these animal parks, however, accidents remain extremely rare.