how is life organized around the Tricastin power plant?


Video length: 6 mins.

France 3

Article written by

H. Hug, J.-M. Lequertier, D. Fuet, S. Lacombe, N. Leydier, A. Bouville – France 3

France Televisions

Six new generation nuclear reactors should see the light of day by 2050. The challenge now is to know where they will come out of the ground. In the Drôme, elected officials and business leaders praise the strengths of their municipality against the anti-nuclear. Return to the Tricastin site.

In the Rhone Valley, no less than four nuclear power plants supply the south with electricity. The Tricastin power plant was built in the 1970s. In the midst of the oil crisis, France had just launched its “all nuclear” program to meet its energy needs. 50 years later, Emmanuel Macron has decided to build six new generation EPRs. The Tricastin site, and especially the neighboring municipalities, are fighting to accommodate two.

A wealth for the territory

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