How Is It That I Should Look at the Stars, The Weather Station

You must listen How Is It That I Should Look at the Stars as the culmination of the excellent Ignoring released exactly 13 months ago: Toronto-based Tamara Lindeman, head of The Weather Station, composed these ten new songs during the same period, with the same concerns, starting with the climate issue (on Endless Time, to name only her), addressed again on this sixth album. The difference is in the tone: where Lindeman’s refined folk song was magnified by rock and jazz orchestrations, this time it is reduced to its simplest expression, the piano and the warm voice of the interpreter highlighted, without percussion, sometimes with a guitar or brass motif. It’s the spirit ofIgnoring which resonates gently in the orchestral stripping, the intimate and intelligent pen of the musician who even questions herself in her art with magnificent songs such as song and To Talk About : “ I am lazy, I only want to talk about love / I know there is so much, that I should try and say, but we lay in bed, and leave it unsaid “.

How Is It That I Should Look at the Stars

★★★ 1/2

The Weather Station, Next Door Records

To see in video

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