how is aid from Europe managed?


Video duration:
1 minute

Article written by

France 2 – V Astruc, F. Furnemont, T. Maillet, L. Escoubes, A. Aubert

France Televisions

The European Union is helping Palestine financially with 1.2 billion euros over three years. How is the use of these funds controlled? Response elements.

In the presence of Brussels officials, a desalination plant was inaugurated in Gaza. This is financed by Europe. A school was also built with European money under the auspices of the United Nations. In the Palestinian territories, the European flag is everywhere, because Europe is the largest financial supporter, with 1.2 billion euros over three years. France is one of the largest contributors with 65 million euros in 2022. Is this aid really allocated to Palestinian civilians or is it diverted?

controlled money

“This needs to be verified. We know very well that what makes Hamas strong (…) is very often being at the forefront of social assistance”, estimates Thierry Mariani, Identity and Democracy MEP. The latest investigation by the Court of Auditors of the EU reveals that “the classification of entities as NGOs is not reliable” and “controls are limited”. This investigation is general and does not only concern aid to the Palestinians. MEPs say the money goes to civilians. They agree to do more checks.

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