how his ex Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy “saved” Louis Bertignac in a complicated period of his life?

Who said you can’t have a good relationship with your ex? Certainly not Louis Bertignac. On the other hand, if we consider The Voicea program in which the artist sat on the red armchairs of the coaches for several seasons, like an old relationship, the feelings tend much less towards love… Indeed, the ex of Carla Bruni confided in the columns of South West on April 29 and mentioned in particular his experience in the tele-hook of TF1.

An experience of which he does not keep only good memories as he seemed to confess. “At the beginning, I found it nice. I cracked up to see that there were so many good singers: I was a coach, but technically, the candidates sang better than me. But after having created a team and welded a group, after a month you have to start firing them, and that frankly pissed me off”he confessed at first before being more virulent in his remarks by dropping a clear opinion on the program: “The very concept of the show forces you to play the hypocrites. When you prepare the ‘battles’, you already know who you are going to eject and you have to hide it so as not to demotivate it”.

Carla Bruni or Louis Bertignac’s guardian angel?

Now, The Voice remains of ancient history for Louis Bertignac. Like this period of his life during which he “found at the bottom of the hole” after his breakup with Julie Delafosse. A separation which led him to move away from his daughters Lola and Lili who were only 4 years old and 1 year old at the time. “At one point, I thought I was losing them forever”he admits to our colleagues from Figaro before continuing: “They took a little less from me than they should have, that’s for sure, but they often come to see me”.

A very complicated period to manage for Louis Bertignac who was however able to count on the unfailing support of Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy, then President of the Republic at that time. “She invited me to her residence in Cap Nègre, where she was spending the holidays with her husband, who was then President of the Republic”explains the artist about the kindness of the couple that he had already evoked at Telestar assuring that they had been “really nice, imperial even”during his “stay”.

See also: Carla Bruni furious after the intimate confidences of her ex Louis Bertignac


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