how he made Priscilla Betti lose money who throws everything today!

Child star powered by the tubes”Look at me” and “Tchouk Tchouk Music“, Priscilla Betti had a very special childhood punctuated by concerts and studio sessions. And she also participated in many shows when she was still a minor. About this time, very framed, she confided to Alban Bartoli, on VL Radio, this week that she had had a mishap with Florent Pagny.

“1500 bullets eh fine, let’s go”

She remembers that at the time, “We had to be super careful because we had the DDASS (Departmental Directorate of Health and Social Affairs) of the show, so the schedules, you couldn’t do everything and anything” she says. And one day, when she was doing a show with the interpreter of “Savoir aime” for a charity, she remembers that the artist “arrived late”.

And the penalty was not long in coming. “There was a guy from the DDASS in the audience” explains Priscilla Betti who reports that the production was therefore fined for having exceeded the schedule by 20 minutes, because he was late. And to detail: “1500 bullets eh fine, let’s go”.

>> See also: Excluded Public: Flora Coquerel, Maude, Aurélie Konaté… They knocked us out in self-defense!

Half an hour is expensive, then found his host Alban Bartoli, who asked why Florent Pagny did not pay the bill. And Priscilla Betti to answer: “Well he wasn’t really there”. And this is not the first time that Alban Bartoli speaks without filter of Florent Pagny, who was his coach in the show The Voice of TF1.

A tooth against Florent Pagny?

In an interview with Public, he called the latter “human, very nice, but rarely there”… And to add: “I said he had his life in Paris, his life in Patagonia, in Miami. During the week, he was not there. He went home to see his family and he came back on weekends for filming, especially for the prime. I had a duet with him for the first prime, I rehearsed on a soundtrack all week. I don’t blame him, it doesn’t matter”. And to explain:In addition, he was very honest with us. He told us from the start: ‘I’m not going to give you my phone number or my email.


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