How he intends to “exhaust” the majority, how he sees the future of Nupes, what is his strategy for 2027 … Jean-Luc Mélenchon confides

The debates, the twists in the Assembly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not miss a beat. Off the microphone, seated at the back of a Parisian restaurant, his collar unbuttoned, the rebellious former deputy tells us to closely scrutinize everything that happens in the hemicycle, like the controversy over racist remarks held Thursday, November 3 by an RN deputy. Present at the rally in support of LFI deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo, he pleaded this Friday for “the most severe penalty“against the deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas who”guilty of racist remarks.

>> Politics: Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to “be replaced” in view of the next presidential election

Cut the rope ? Very little for him. The leader of the rebels physically comes to the Assembly every two or three weeks to support his troops. Discuss Strategy »to win in 2027“. Hers ? A menu : “Confront Macron, noon and evening, at night, at Christmas, at New Year’s“. To oppose each 49.3 a motion of censure “to exhaust them“, supports Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “demoralize them, they will crack, you have to make them crack“. He even believes he detects the first signs of fatigue in the ranks of the majority, perhaps the beginning of the end. “The stampede” according to him, “we don’t go up like that“.

The New Popular Ecological and Social Union is a bit like his baby. His essay transformed, despite the failure in the presidential election. He knows that the alliance on the left”is not a long calm river“, especially with the congresses of ecologists, socialists and communists on the horizon.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon admits not remembering the birthday dates, but knowing by heart “congress dates“For him, the future of Nupes depends on it.”If the PS falls into the hands of Le Foll and Hollande, it’s over”, argues the rebellious leader.

I don’t want this“, answers tit for tat Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He wants to show that he resolves to hang up : Jaurès, Robespierre have never been presidents“, recalls the one who tried his luck three times. Is it really, resolved ? Maybe without realizing it. The rebellious leaves room for doubt…”I am a man of circumstances (…) what will be the equation in 2027?“He quips:”I hope someone will find something other than me…

According to him, “whoever starts now is dead“. True to his theory of “the wise turtle“, this reference to the fable of La Fontaine, to the “there’s no point in running, you have to start on time”. That’s good, Jean-Luc Mélenchon seems to want to keep up the pace, with a real sports diet in this Parisian bistro : a plate of vegetables for lunch. Maybe to stay in shape to face all possibilities.

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