how has the conflict evolved in three months?


France 3

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Tuesday, May 24 marks three months since the start of the Russian-led war in Ukraine. The Kremlin, after rapid progress, is now concentrating on the Donbass.

The war in Ukraine began three months ago, on February 24, 2022. Russia first bombed several strategic places, then very quickly the Ukrainian capital, kyiv, was surrounded. It is in Irpin (Ukraine) that the first decisive battle will take place, and that the Russians will face the resistance of the Ukrainians. After a month of fighting, Russia has decided to withdraw from the kyiv region and the northeast of the country. At the beginning of April, the world learned with horror of the abuses perpetrated in Boutcha (Ukraine).

The Russians then concentrate on the Donbass and the east of the country. A bombardment on the station of Kramatorsk (Ukraine), on April 8, caused the death of 57 civilians. Further south, Russia besieged Mariupol (Ukraine), which held out for two months. Friday, May 20, the last Ukrainian soldiers who resisted surrendered. This strategic city is an important catch for the Russians.

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