“How far will this weirdo go?” : A French singer disgusted by Vladimir Poutine, after the attack on a children’s hospital…

Singer Lorie was very angry this Wednesday, March 9. Indeed, she spoke on Twitter about the bombing of a hospital in Ukraine. Unwavering support for children’s hospitals for many years in the context of associative projects, Lorie condemned the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The international community was deeply moved by a scene that was shocking to say the least. That of the bombing of the children’s hospital in Mariupol, a port city in the south-east besieged by Russian troops. The balance sheet was established at 17 injured “adults“without any child being affected. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose courage has been hailed since the start of the conflict, called for a Russian ceasefire: “People, children are under the rubble”. “Atrocity! (…) Stop these murders.”

This Wednesday, March 9, it was the singer Lorie who spoke on her Twitter account to denounce the atrocious acts that the Ukrainian population has been suffering for several weeks now. The interpreter of My best friend in the early 2000s then said: “And now it’s a bombed-out children’s hospital!!!” But how far will this weirdo go???”

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