The franceinfo Talk returns to the immigration law, rejected by the deputies on Monday, December 11 by the adoption of a motion to reject. Ludo Pauchant receives political scientist Benjamin Morel, Luca Lescop, founder of Fast Infos and Vanessa Krycève, president of the collective for a citizens’ convention on migration.
Monday, December 11, the deputies adopted a motion to dismiss At immigration billby 270 votes against 265. Even before being debated in the National Assembly, the voices of the left, the Republicans and the Rally, the adoption of this rejection motion is a heavy defeat for the government.
Convening of a joint committee
The next day, Tuesday December 12, the executive decided to bring together deputies and senators withina joint joint commission (CMP)“as quickly as possible”. The government spokesperson declared that he wanted “debate and seek a compromise between the majority and the oppositions”. The CMP will meet on Monday December 18behind closed doors, seven deputies and seven senators with a view to agreeing on a text and arriving at a common version to be presented again to Parliament.
However, the composition of this body could give rise to fears of toughening of the text of the immigration bill. Reflecting the political balance within the two chambers, the joint joint commission is made up of three elected officials from the LR group, two from the centrist Union and RDPI groups and two socialists from the Senate. On the other, four deputies come from the majority, one from the LR group, a deputy from the RN and one from France insoumise.
A political defeat in government
The rejection of the immigration bill in the National Assembly on Monday December 11 and a heavy political defeat for the government. Following the adoption of this mention, the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, presented his resignation to the President of the Republic. The latter immediately refused it. This motion to reject the immigration law is a “failure” recognized the Minister of the Interior, invited to the 8 p.m. news on TF1, deploring an alliance between the RN and LFI.