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The president of the right-wing party announced on Tuesday his wish to enter into an electoral agreement with the National Rally in view of the early legislative elections, causing an internal crisis of unprecedented proportions.
Until the end, they didn’t want to believe it. While waiting for a media speech by Eric Ciotti initially scheduled for 8 p.m., the heavyweights of the Republicans (LR) multiplied declarations all morning to reject any electoral agreement with the National Rally. Wasted effort: the president of the right-wing party took everyone by surprise by bringing forward his interview on TF1’s 1 p.m. news, Tuesday June 11, to announce his wish for an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s party during the elections anticipated legislative elections.
On the set, Eric Ciotti pleaded for “all outgoing LR deputies join forces with the RN to preserve a powerful group in the National Assembly”, grabbing the hand extended a little earlier by Jordan Bardella. This is the first time that a president of the right-wing party has proposed an agreement with the movement created by Jean-Marie Le Pen. This unprecedented alliance immediately sparked an avalanche of condemnations, calls for the resignation of Eric Ciotti, and even caused some departures.
“It’s rocking”cowardly to franceinfo Virginie Duby-Muller, outgoing MP for Haute-Savoie and vice-president of LR. “I learned about it on TV, like everyone else. It’s an individual decision, taken without any consultation”whispers the chosen one, who says to herself “disappointed and angry”. She had definitely had a doubt the day before, during the group meeting. “Eric Ciotti spoke to say that we were going to clarify the fact that there would be no alliance with Emmanuel Macron. A deputy told him that it was also necessary to clarify the rejection of an alliance with the RN, and it remained ambiguous.”
Twenty-four hours later, the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes emerged from the ambiguity by pleading for an agreement “across the entire territory”, in order to reappoint the 61 outgoing LR deputies. Within the party, we blame the blow. “No one knew, he stepped on all of our headssays Emilie Bonnivard, outgoing MP for Savoie. In substance and form, it’s nonsense. We must maintain our line of independence, of a Gaullist right, which resists, even in difficult times. JI think he resists pressure very poorly.”she judges, evoking the good scores achieved by the RN in Nice (nearly 38%, when LR painfully reached 9%), where Eric Ciotti was elected.
The boss of LR considers that his party is “too weak” to tackle alone the vote caused by the dissolution of the National Assembly, the day after European elections which saw LR fall by one point compared to 2019. “In my constituency too, the RN has very good scores, but we must not go and eat from all the bowls”tackle Emilie Bonnivard.
Less than three weeks before the first round of the legislative elections, on June 30, Eric Ciotti’s announcement imploded the party. So much so that some announced that they were leaving the movement as a sign of protest, such as the senator for Meurthe-et-Moselle Jean-François Husson, the senator for Yvelines Sophie Primas or the deputy for Cantal Vincent Descoeur.
While Eric Ciotti now appears very isolated, rare support has been heard. “He made the choice of common sense and couragegreets the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes Christelle d’Intorni, close to the president of the Republicans. Voters want the rights to unite.” He also received the approval of his vice-president, Guilhem Carayon, party spokesperson and president of the Young Republicans. “With Eric Ciotti and thousands of LR activists, we are choosing courage and common sense”he wrote on X. Newly elected, MEP Céline Imart also shared on the social network her “full support”. But the division also now awaits the contingent of six LR MEPs, since the head of the list François-Xavier Bellamy for his part rejected an alliance with the RN in a press release.
In light of this new internal war, the majority of LR executives and elected officials are calling on Eric Ciotti to leave the presidency of the movement, which he won at the end of 2022 during a vote by members. But the person concerned refuses. “IThere is absolutely no question of me resigning, especially since I know that I benefit from the very broad confidence of activists”he assured when leaving the TF1 set.
Could the party find itself completely blocked in the middle of an electoral campaign? Internally, we are already looking into the puzzle of a possible procedure to dislodge him. “The situation cannot remain as it is”noted Annie Genevard, general secretary of LR, Tuesday on franceinfo. According to our information, a videoconference is to bring together elected officials on Tuesday evening around three tenors of the right, Gérard Larcher, Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau. In particular, the future of the party president will be discussed. “It should convene a political bureau, but only the president has the power”sighs Virginie Duby-Muller. A quarter of the members of this national council can also demand such a meeting, which can then be held up to eight days later. Too long, however, given the deadline of June 16 to submit candidates for the legislative elections.
Failing to be able to sanction him quickly, executives have chosen to increase the number of speeches and forums. The boss of LR senators, Bruno Retailleau, for example organized a press conference during which he accused Eric Ciotti of “disloyalty” and to have “lied, probably for personal gain”. Around ten party heavyweights also published an article in Le Figaro to affirm that the position of their president “is a dead end, don’t engage [leur] political family and in no way represents the Republican line”. Enough to dissuade Eric Ciotti from grabbing the RN’s outstretched hand?