how Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne prepare their “majority of action”

The President and the Prime Minister meet to choose the cast of the new executive after the electoral setback of Together!. They must also define the strategy to adopt vis-à-vis the opposition.

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It’s a “hangover” tomorrow for the presidential majority. In the aftermath of the second round of the legislative elections, Monday June 20, Emmanuel Macron’s camp has 245 deputies, he would have needed 45 more to be able to govern hands-free. It will therefore be necessary to find alliances, text by text. Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, said to put “immediately to work” to build “a majority of action”. How to avoid institutional blockage? The Head of State is also looking into the equation.

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The president consults, he exchanges with the members of his majority to try to find a way of passage. Emmanuel Macron met Elisabeth Borne on Monday noon to set the next steps together: the resignation of the government – ​​since it is tradition – the formation of a new executive to replace the beaten and outgoing ministers, and complete the team, the strategy to be adopted after Sunday’s results.

In the eyes of the president, the real winner is abstention, explains a source in the government. Voters who did not come to the polling station represent nearly 53.79% for this second round, up one point from the first round (52.49%), but below the 2017 record (57.36%). Emmanuel Macron considers that all political leaders must learn the lessons of this disaffection from the ballot box. He believes that the opposition must be brought out of a blocking posture, to take note of the composition of the new Assembly and to bring each “to advance”.

It remains to find how to achieve this. By planning to negotiate on each legislative project but also by trying to poach part of the Les Républicains group now, and even some left-wing deputies to widen the majority camp as much as possible. Everything is played by June 28, the date on which the composition of the groups will be formalized. In the meantime, Emmanuel Macron does not plan to address these French people from whom he had asked for a solid majority, and who did not listen to him.

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