how Ehpad cope with high heat



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France is preparing for a new episode of heat wave, Saturday July 16. In retirement homes, everything is done to educate the elderly and avoid any risk of dehydration. Report in Poitiers.

In Poitiers (Vienne), all shutters are closed, Saturday July 16, at the Marguerite Le Tillier nursing home. Nathalie takes care of her protégés. Residents are encouraged to drink regularly, and each room is equipped with a fan. With the scorching temperatures, nothing is left to chance.

The only air-conditioned room is the common room. Everything is done to encourage residents to go there. Entertainment is offered, as well as unlimited drinks. “It is a necessity to drink a lot during the heat wave. And that’s what we do“, assures Mrs. Martin, a resident. Adapted support has also been put in place. “The recruitment of a person who will only be targeted for this next week, to be on the heat wave plan“, specifies Charlotte Tessitori, referring caregiver.

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