How does the Physioscan work, the machine that would rebalance the energies of our body?


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To improve our health, we should rebalance the energies of our body, according to several naturopaths. For this, a machine, called Physioscan, would be perfectly suited.

Several naturopaths would agree on a theory to improve our health. According to them, we should rebalance the energies of our body. What solution to achieve this? The use of a machine, the Physioscan, which would make it possible to repair this energy imbalance. In hidden camera, the franceinfo team: decided to test it with a naturopath.

The undercover journalist begins to explain her symptoms: back pain, fatigue and stress. It is at this precise moment, that the Physioscan comes into play. An audio headset is necessary to carry out an energy balance. For 30 minutes, the machine analyzes the organs and is supposed to correct the energy signal sent by the cells of the body. However, a radiologist interviewed was more than skeptical of its effectiveness.“Stimulation of the ear which could lead to a diagnosis or an inventory, physically, it makes no sense”, retorts Franck Clarot, specialist in medical imaging. The website is still advancing scientific studies, but these are not recognized.


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