How does the National Rally influence the appointment of the head of government?

Emmanuel Macron still has to announce the name of the next Prime Minister. A real headache due to the fear of having to immediately face a motion of censure supported by the RN and the New Popular Front.



Reading time: 2 min

National Rally (RN) leaders Marine Le Pen (left) and Jordan Bardella at the Elysée Palace in Paris on August 26, 2024. (TERESA SUAREZ / MAXPPP)

Still no Prime Minister appointed to Matignon, Thursday September 5 in the morning, and the influence of the National Rally on this choice seems to have become decisive. Emmanuel Macron even had to pick up the phone on Tuesday evening to submit the names of Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand to Marine Le Pen. The leader of the extreme right told him that her deputies would censure both of them on the grounds that they are opponents of the National Rally. Severely beaten in the second round of the legislative elections, excluded from all positions of responsibility within the National Assembly, the RN has therefore become central again. Marine Le Pen is savoring her revenge. She is revelling in this new power of political life or death over the destiny of the contenders for Matignon that the weight of her parliamentary group grants her.

The RN managed to regain this decisive role thanks to the inconsistency of its adversaries. Why was the Le Pen party defeated in the legislative elections, then marginalized in the Assembly? Because the New Popular Front, the Macronists and LR had agreed to build a republican front that first beat the RN at the polls, before isolating its representatives in the Palais-Bourbon. Since the left, the central bloc and the right are incapable of transposing this republican front into a parliamentary majority, and therefore into a government, the 126 Le Pen deputies, and their 17 Ciottist auxiliaries become essential again. Associated with the 193 elected representatives of the New Popular Front, they can censure any Prime Minister from the right. A balance of power that on Wednesday increased the rating of the LR mayor of Cannes and president of the AMF, David Lisnard. Firm on sovereign issues, on good terms with his Nice neighbor Éric Ciotti, hostile to the RN but without personal dispute with Marine Le Pen, he is perhaps one of the rare politicians likely to escape censorship from the RN. In any case, temporarily.

As long as the other political forces are unable to reach an agreement, the Le Pen deputies will have every opportunity to bring down the government whenever they wish. For example, next June in the hope of a new dissolution. This power to cause harm is not without risks for Marine Le Pen herself, however. If the RN were to abuse it, by censoring several Prime Ministers, voters could end up believing that the far-right party is primarily seeking to perpetuate the chaos.

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