how does the national council of the Socialist Party responsible for finalizing the agreement with LFI work

After the agreement reached with rebellious France within the framework of the New popular, democratic and social union (Nupes) during the legislative elections, the national council of the Socialist Party meets this Thursday evening from 7 p.m., to ratify or not the electoral agreement. It should not be a simple and trivial formality.

This national council is made up of 300 members. Thursday, May 5 in the evening, many will be at a distance, others will be physically present at the headquarters of the Socialist Party. The meeting promises to be stormy between the different positions within the party.

>> Legislative 2022: how the Socialist Party is torn apart over the agreement reached with La France insoumise

Olivier did the job, he should win“, assured one of the relatives of the First Secretary of the Socialist Party to franceinfo. Olivier Faure has indeed spoken with many members of the council in recent days. However, nothing is really decided.

The various members of this council are appointed according to the votes at the last party congress. In August 2021, the motion carried by Olivier Faure won with 75% of the vote against the motion of Hélène Geoffroy, mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin and close to François Hollande, who had then collected only 25% voices. If we stick to this arithmetic, the agreement will be widely voted on.

However, it will not be so simple. Within the national council sit those who are called the first federals. They are the ones who are at the head of the party in the departments.

If the agreement is validated, these first federals will not all have a socialist candidate on the starting line in their department to the legislative ones. It is therefore them, in the absence of a PS candidate, who will have to ask their local activists to go and support candidates from rebellious France for the votes of the June 12 and 19. How will they react? Knowing that these first federals are elected by the militants. Some of them, who had nevertheless voted for Olivier Faure’s motion at the party congress, will perhaps abstain or vote against the agreement reached with LFI. It is for this reason that the final result is likely to be tighter than that recorded at the last congress.

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