how does the “minimum reception service” work in schools?

While 75% of primary school teachers will be on strike according to the Snuipp-FSU union, all pupils in primary school must, dsince 2008, to be able to be accommodated free of charge, even if the class is closed. Explanations.

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Towards a mobilization “historical“: The strike promises to be massive Thursday, January 13 in schools in France. Teachers denounce the management of the epidemic by the government and in particular the succession of Covid-19 protocols implemented in schools. Thus, 75% primary school teachers will be on strike according to Snuipp-FSU, the first union in primary schools, which also plans to close half of the schools. A strike supported by the FCPE, fparents of pupils, which asks parents not to send their children to school in solidarity with the teachers.

But all those who want their child to be welcomed at school can count on the “minimum reception service”. Since 2008, all primary school students must be able to be accommodated free of charge even if the class is closed. Beyond a quarter of striking teachers, this service must be provided by the municipality. In this case, the children are looked after by municipal agents, childminders, recreation center leaders or even parents of pupils. If the school closes, the municipalities then open a multipurpose room, a gymnasium or organize reception in another school.

So much for the rule, because, obviously, with the outbreak of the epidemic, the town halls are doing what they can. Example in Hauts-de-Seine: faced with the strong mobilization announced by teachers, the city of Châtillon says it is not able to accommodate children whose classes will be closed. Other municipalities reserve this minimum reception service for priority parents, such as health personnel. This will be the case in certain communes of Hérault or Loiret, for example.

Finally, be careful, wherever the minimum reception service is provided, remember to anticipate: town halls most often ask parents to send a registration email to the town’s education service.

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