how does leasing work?


Video length: 2 min

Real estate: how does leasing work?

Real estate: how does leasing work? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – La Guérivière, D.Brignand, JM.Lequertier, R.Chapelard, O.Sauvayre

France Televisions

In January, real estate borrowing rates observed a first decline after having reached an increase of 5% in recent months. Solutions are emerging to facilitate the purchase of an apartment or a house, like leasing.

Stéphane, an engineer, thinks he has found the solution to becoming an owner. This is leasing, a practice which allows you to rent your property with an option to purchase. A company specializing in leasing will buy the 80 square meter Parisian apartment and will sell it back later, increasing the price by 10%. Each month, he will pay a sum to the company. Put aside, it will make it possible to constitute a contribution to the banks. Stéphane has two years to take out a mortgage and buy the apartment.

Allow individuals to purchase real estate

Thanks to this method, 7,000 individuals have become owners in recent months. “We are not a magic solution. We can only address those who will be able to obtain credit”, specifies Adrien Peligry, CEO of Hestia. This solution is therefore aimed at solvent customers whose financial or professional situation prevents them from taking out a loan.

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