Video length: 2 min
War in the Middle East: How Israel’s anti-missile shield works
After the attack of nearly 200 Iranian missiles on Israel, the Jewish state intends to respond, even if few missiles have succeeded in reaching their targets. This protection is due to a device which neutralizes the missiles.
(France 2)
After the attack of nearly 200 Iranian missiles on Israel, the Jewish state intends to respond, even if few missiles have succeeded in reaching their targets. This protection is due to a device which neutralizes the missiles.
An Israeli military base was targeted by Iranian missiles on Tuesday October 1, but they were intercepted before reaching their targets, like most of the missiles sent. Israel has a layered defense umbrella. Iron Dome is the first layer, intercepting projectiles with a range of 70 km. Another layer, called David’s Sling, intercepts missiles with a range of 300 km, and the final layer, the Arrow system, intercepts those with a range of up to 2,400 km. It is this latest technology which made it possible to limit the damage of the Iranian strikes on Tuesday October 1st. This technology is partly financed by the Americans.
The system is simple: a radar detects the threat and a computer calculates its trajectory. If the missile is heading towards desert territory, it will not be stopped. But the alert turns red if the projectile is heading towards a populated area. In this case, an anti-aircraft missile is launched to detonate it in flight.
Watch the full report in the video above.