Someone around us, a friend, a colleague, our spouse sometimes, at one time or another in their life, confides in difficulties, anxieties that he encounters. We ourselves have the impression of being stuck in a pattern of life that does not suit us or no longer suits us. It can be at a key stage in our life, when we have children or when we reach 40 or 50, it can be due to professional or relational difficulties. Our certainties are then shattered and we feel lost, assailed by fears and conflicting emotions. So how do you find meaning in your life?
Bintily Diallo receives joeline andriana, Doctor of Psychology, Practitioner in Hypnotherapy and EMDR. She is the author of This new life might have more meaning – explore your endless possibilities (self-published) and encourages us to seize these opportunities that life offers us to learn manage our emotionsfind unew energybe in line with his aspirations deepest ones and live the life that suits us.
The therapy can be a solution to see more clearly, the sport also, or any activity that excites us, it can be a change of residence, city, a involvement in an association or a cause. It is never too late to live with more depth and serenity the possibilities that are offered to us.