how do women react to the obligation of the burqa?


France 2

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Saturday, May 7, the Taliban ask women to wear the full veil. Sonia Ghezali, France 24 correspondent in Afghanistan, explains how they react.

“It’s a real blow for Afghan women, especially since here in Herat, they learned a few days ago that they no longer had the right to drive”indicates journalist Sonia Ghezali, France 24 correspondent, in duplex from Herat (Afghanistan), Saturday, May 7, where the Taliban ask women to wear the full veil. “This morning we met two young high school girls who have not been to school for eight months because it is forbidden to them by the Taliban. They told us that their dreams were shattered, that they no longer saw any future”continues the journalist.

In the streets, for several months, women have been wearing masks after meeting Taliban who threatened them. “They tell us, all these women, that in the end the Taliban have not changed, that they are the same as 21 years ago when they ruled the country and that today they are showing their true face in the world”concludes Sonia Ghezali.

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