how do we keep our good resolutions?



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Emmanuelle Vaux-Lacroix, psychoanalyst, explains the benefits of good resolutions.

To explain the tradition of “good resolutions”, we must go back to the time of Babylon: at the time, the time to return agricultural tools was also to take stock of the past year. If today we continue to draw up an “inventory” of our year, it must be done with joy and not under duress. “There must be fun “, reminds us of the psychoanalyst.

The brain does not take negation into account. We must therefore express positive wishes: “I would like you to be better, I would like you to take care of yourself, I would like you to be in good shape. “

Establishing future projects would also create a “continuity in time “ making us immortal. According to Emmanuelle Vaux-Lacroix, good resolutions would therefore be the best remedy against the fear of aging. “It also makes it possible to question the meaning of my life “, concludes the psychoanalyst.


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