“How do we continue to live?”: elected officials pay tribute to Laval victims

François Legault, Manon Massé and Joël Arseneau, in turn, delivered a vibrant tribute to the families and employees involved in the Laval tragedy on Tuesday at the National Assembly.

• Read also: “Dear Maëva”: the parents of a girl who died in the Laval drama pay tribute to her

• Read also: [IMAGES] “Even the doggies have sad eyes”: moving mass in honor of the victims in Laval

“We have stressful jobs, but what stresses me the most is whether my children are happy. Imagine what the parents of the daycare children went through. When we hear this news, how do we go on living? I still wonder, ”said the Prime Minister with emotion.

“Tragedy is the right word! It is truly a tragedy that Quebec has experienced. The events at the Sainte-Rose recreation center affected everyone,” said Manon Massé before reading the letter from the parents of one of the victims.

“Horror has struck! As a parent, this is the worst thing you can imagine that happened. Two young children who lose their lives in a senseless act at daycare. Two children who had their whole lives ahead of them,” mentioned Joël Arseneau.

After the tributes from the parties, a minute of silence was held in the National Assembly.

See the full tributes in the video above.

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