Video length: 2 min.
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If the mobilized remain inflexible, other French people still want to believe in a way out of the crisis through dialogue, after three months of tensions linked to the pension reform.
After the enactment of the law on pension reform, the French are shaken out of this crisis. But the mobilized remain inflexible. “The trade unions will do an enormous job, the militant associations too. What will come will radically change the French political landscape”, estimates a woman, Saturday April 14. “Once again it looks like they are sitting on people”laments another woman.
“I have the impression that they don’t want to hear anything”
Even if they are against the postponement of the legal retirement age, some French people seem to resign. “There were a lot of demonstrators, and that didn’t change anything, the law still passed. I have the impression that they don’t want to hear anything”regrets a man. “I think it’s bent”, said another. Finally, there are those who still want to believe in a way out of the crisis through dialogue, currently broken between the unions and the government. “Everyone must put water in their wine”says a woman.