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Shortages are increasing on supermarket shelves. How do they avoid stockouts, and how do they find substitute products? Investigation.
In recent months, in supermarkets, empty shelves have multiplied. How do retailers react to stockouts? France Télévisions asked the majority of brands in the sector, but none wished to speak. The France Télévisons team therefore went to a supermarket with a hidden camera with an expert in mass distribution, Olivier Salomon. The first tip would initially be to reduce the spoke spaces in tension, like mustard.
“In order not to give the feeling of a large empty space, they have reorganized the department by giving more space to other types of products.“, analyzes Olivier Salomon. To avoid shortages, however, stores have little room for manoeuvre. It is their central purchasing office, responsible for supplying the brands, which decides on the strategy. In the event of a stock shortage at their manufacturers, some turn to foreign importers. Contacted, a brand of Polish mustard, previously never sold in France, confirmed that it had been canvassed by several brands. Others favor local producers.
Field investigation
Olivier Salomon, retail expert:
Nielsen IQ:
Non-exhaustive list.