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Forgotten the traditional vigil by the fire with marshmallow and guitar: during the summer of 2022, water restrictions and the risk of fire forced the scout camps to change their habits.
It is the rare resource of the summer of 2022. And on a scout camp in Bucey-lès-Gy (Haute-Saône), everything is done not to waste it. Here, the use of water is rationed to 13 liters per child per day, for food and washing, against 20 usually. Between the high temperatures, the drought and the risk of fires, the scouts have to adapt. “We can’t make fries, because it’s already complicated to make fries in camp, and in addition, given the heat, we can’t use a lot of oil because it might start fires”explains Marie-Véronique Hebrard, director of the Marsannay-la-Côte (Côte-d’Or) camp.
To cook steaks, the wood fire has given way to gas cylinders, because outdoor fires are prohibited. The vigils around a campfire have been replaced by calm times under the starry sky. In the future, the challenge is to rethink these cohesion stays to better adapt to climate change. “We learn to live with nature, we learn to live with others, we prepare for the great challenges that await us in the years to come to inhabit the planet differently”summarizes Claire Sulmont-Rosse, territorial delegate of Northern Burgundy of the Scouts and Guides of France.