how do local authorities support their inhabitants?



Article written by

S.Soubane, R.Moquillon, J.Wild, M.Anglade, D.Breysse, L.Bleuzen – France 2

France Televisions

Eleven departments remain on heatwave orange vigilance, Friday July 15. Some municipalities are implementing measures adapted to these exceptional conditions.

Be close to the most vulnerable. In Amiens (Somme), in addition to carrying meals, the town hall distributes 5,000 gourds and fans to seniors during the heat wave. A visit and precious help for Colette Cottrel, 92 years old. “I don’t need to go out thanks to my meals being brought. So I’m not going to go out this week, for example”, she confides.

In Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), the town hall supports residents by extending the hours of certain public swimming pools. Some are now open until 9 p.m., to the delight of locals. In addition to local initiatives, a toll-free number has been set up at national level, 0800 06 66 66. It provides advice from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. “Drink as much water as possible, avoid alcohol, close the shutters”, lists in particular an adviser. From the first day, the platform received 280 calls.

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