how did Ile-de-France residents vote in their department?

In Ile-de-FranceEmmanuel Macron largely won the second round of the 2022 presidential election. He won the game with 73.02% (26.98% for Marine Le Pen). Abstention is high: 29.38% (28.2 for France).

France’s Island

In Ile-de-France, it is Paris that the re-elected president has his best score (85.10%). In the capital which, for the moment, has never given pride of place to the far right, Marine Le Pen, with her very small result in the first round, had no chance of finishing as the winner despite the score of Eric Zemmour, weak (8.16%) but never seen in Paris.

The appeal of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and all those who had asked to block the far right was heard, it seems, in the capital.

Emmanuel Macron is also well ahead in the Hauts-de-Seine (80.39%). Again, the small scores of the far right in the first round gave Marine Le Pen an almost zero chance of winning in this department.

In Ile-de-France, it is in Seine-et-Marne that the President of the Republic obtains, in the second round, his worst score (56.98%). In this department, Marine Le Pen is not that far behind him with 43.02%. This is his best score in Ile-de-France.

Results by department


In Paris, in the second round Emmanuel Macron wins with 85.10%. Marine Le Pen is at 14.90%. In the first round, Emmanuel Macron was in the lead with 35.34%, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was at 30.08%. Marine Le Pen obtained 5.54% and Eric Zemmour 8.16%

Seine et Marne

In the second round in this department, Emmanuel Macron obtains 56.98% votes and Marine Le Pen 43.02%. In the first round, Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon were neck and neck (25% and 25.8%). Marine Le Pen was a few points behind (23.5%) and Eric Zemmour had obtained 7.25%.

Val de Marne

In the second round, Emmanuel Macron obtained 74.48% and Marine Le Pen 25.52%. In the first round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had obtained 32.67%, Emmanuel Macron 29.10% and Marine Le Pen 11.82%. The President of the Republic has undoubtedly benefited from a large carryover of votes.


In the second round, Emmanuel Macron obtains 71.05%, Marine Le Pen 28.95%. In the first round, the re-elected president had obtained 33.41%, Jean-Luc Mélenchon 22.89%, Marine Le Pen 13.77% and Eric Zemmour 8.74%.


In this department, Emmanuel Macron obtains, in the second round, 80.39%, Marie Le Pen 19.61%. In the first round, Emmanuel Macron with 37.11% was behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon who obtained 25.77% of the vote. Marine Le Pen was at 8.37%, just ahead of Eric Zemmour (8.10%).

To Neuilly-sur-Seine, Emmanuel Macron made a big splash with 82.58% voices. Marine Le Pen is at 17.42%. In the first round, the president had obtained 48.98%, Valérie Pécresse 15.14%. Marine Le Pen was very far behind with 5.68% but Eric Zemmour obtained the very good score of 18.75%.


Emmanuel Macron obtains, in the second round, 65.43% and Marine Le Pen is at 34.57%. In the first round, the president had obtained 27.65%, a little less than Jean-Luc Mélenchon (28.12%), Marine Le Pen 17.79%, Eric Zemmour 6.60%.


In the second round, Emmanuel Macron obtains 73.72%, Marie Le Pen 26.28%. In the first round, Emmanuel Macron was at 20.27%, far behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon (49.09%). Marine Le Pen was at 11.88% and Eric Zemmour at 5.15%.

In Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron obtains 79.09%, Marine Le Pen 20.91%. In the first round, the president had obtained 16.22% while Jean-Luc Mélenchon pranced in the lead with 61.13%. Marine Le Pen was at 8.29%, Eric Zemmour was at 3.09%.

Val d’Oise

Emmanuel Macron obtains 66.15%, Marine Le Pen 33.85%, in the second round. In the first round, Emmanuel Macron (26.09%) was behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon (33.17%). Marine Le Pen was at 17.20%, Eric Zemmour at 7.09%.

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