How Corinne Masiero escaped one year in prison

Corinne Masiero has played Captain Marleau for several years now. A character as atypical as he is endearing who brings together millions of viewers on France 3 each time an episode is broadcast without it being a new one. Like Captain Marleau, Corinne Masiero has no tongue in her pocket. The actress often makes headlines for her shocking statements. The language of wood, Corinne Masiero does not know.

Moreover, everyone remembers her appearance on the César stage in early 2021. Officially coming to award the prize for best costume, the actress appeared completely naked on stage. On his body, one could read “No Culture, no future”. A happening organized to denounce the situation of intermittents during the coronavirus crisis. If on Twitter, the viewers were numerous to react, showing themselves more divided than ever, the room applauded the interpreter of Captain Marleau.

What Corinne Masiero probably did not foresee was that the day after her totally naked and bloody appearance, nine Republican deputies reported the actress to the Paris prosecutor. The latter ruled on March 22, 2021 that the actress had used her “freedom of expression”. Reason why Corinne Masiero has not been sentenced to one year in prison and a fine of 15,000 euros as provided by law in the event of “sexual exhibition”.

A victory for the star who had declared: “It is not really to advertise to find yourself with the needy of the medulla oblongata who file a complaint against me. It is electoral propaganda. The only advantage, c is that they promote the cause that I defend! “.


See also: Corinne Masiero: her big rant against society

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