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According to National Education, 4,000 teachers are missing for the start of the 2022 school year. contractual are currently formed, in just a few days. This does not reassure parents.
The start of the school year has already started for 17 apprentice teachers. In weekthese teachers contractual of English, of French or physics will teach. After a career in marketing, Anna Livia Celice will be teaching English at the start of the school year. She has already been on contract by learning on the job, so this training seems welcome to her. “We feel better equipped in any case to apprehend the return to school, and especially to better welcome our students.“, she reports, admitting that more than four days of training would have been appreciated.
In France, 3,000 contractual are currently formed in a few days. The Minister of Education, pap Ndiaye, went to meet them on Friday August 26. According to him, teachers contractualholders of a TRAY 3 at a minimum, will be able to manage a class. “Teachers contractual are followed throughout the year, they have a tutor, training, so that things go better for the start of the school year“, says the Minister. Parents express their concerns. “It’s not a job that can be improvised”says one woman. Out of 4,000 vacancies, 3,000 were allocated to contractual.