how can we explain the significant drop in crime?


Video length: 4 min

United States: how to explain the significant drop in crime?

United States: how to explain the significant drop in crime? – (France 2)

Crime is at its lowest level in the United States in 50 years. A spectacular drop which can be explained in particular by the deployment of community policing. Reporting from Detroit, Michigan.

Burglaries, violent robberies, murders… The crime rate in the United States is almost at its lowest in 50 years: 13% fewer homicides in 2023, and – 6.3% fewer burglaries. The largest cities are the first to benefit from the reduction in crime, such as Detroit (Michigan). The city, known to be dangerous, recorded its lowest level of homicides since 1966. Like every afternoon, patrols in different neighborhoods of the city. To reduce the crime rate, the town hall added 200 additional police officers to the streets, and strengthened its green alarm system, which indicates that store cameras are connected to the square.

Referents in sensitive neighborhoods

The owner of the gas station assures that the system has reduced the number of incidents. “I feel safer”, he said. To renew dialogue, the city also relies on referents in sensitive neighborhoods. This day, two of them go to the Seven Mile district to meet the mother of a 17-year-old boy arrested several times by the police. The objective is to create a bond with parents. “Our children are lost here, they have no structure (…). Having someone who can adapt to them, talk to them and who is older is a good thing”confides the teenager’s mother.

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