“How big is the vagina?” “Are all women clitoral?”

They don’t know their bodies, don’t know the existence of the vagina, the clitoris, the uterus. It is a disaster“, laments Michel Cymes. The well-known doctor on television sets has launched on TikTok to do pedagogy. Videos to fill a lack of information and in which he answers questions that many teenagers and teenagers teenagers pose.

>> Social networks, new sex education teachers for teenagers

How big is the vagina? Are all women clitoral? I know that people ask themselves these questions, especially young people.“Indeed, according to the High Council for Equality between Women and Men, in 2016, a quarter of girls under the age of 15 do not know that they have a clitoris. A lack of knowledge that is not surprising Michel Cymes given the number of views of his videos.”It got a million or two million views. There’s a moment, you have to go“says the doctor.

“It is not because we are going to explain to them that they have organs which they use to pee and which will serve them for sexuality later, that they are going to have their first sexual intercourse at 12 years old.”

A lack of knowledge linked to a lack of sex education at school. However, since 2001, sex education has been compulsory in schools, colleges and high schools, with a minimum of three sessions each year.

In fact, we are far from the mark. The rule is not respected, according to the sociologist Yaelle Amsellem-Mainguy. “There are establishments in which the means are not possible“, she points out. Courses around sexual reproduction are often the exclusive space “where we talk about sex“, notes the sociologist. However, the sessions in SVT on human reproduction are not at all sessions around the affective, relational life, both of the body, both of gender and sexualities.

PoTo counter this lack of information among teens, many young content creators answer questions and share their advice on sexuality. Camille Aumont-Carnel, created the page on Instagram @Jemenbatsleclito. “I am not in favor of the fact that it is up to the National Education to manage everything“, explains this influencer. So she created a sex education guide for teenagers. “With National Education, our initiatives to go to middle and high schools to address these themes with our own prism, with an uninhibited, humorous and ultimately very direct tone give a complete package“, observes Camille Aumont-Carnel. From the start of the next school year, she will be going to the classrooms to talk directly with the students.

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