how Béatrice Dalle snubbed Yann Barthès in “Daily”!

Like most shows scheduled at or after the news of Elizabeth II’s death, “Daily” upended its conductor to adjust chronicles and reports to the September 8 event that shook the planet. But despite editorial readjustments, Yann Barthès insisted on maintaining his planned end-of-show interview with Virginie Despentes. The famous writer was also expecting to return home when she heard the news. “No, we wanted to talk to you, we wanted to receive you”told her the host who then asked her about her new novel “Dear asshole” (Editions Grasset) before reading the first lines.

But the former host of the Petit Journal was then assisted by Béatrice Dalle, who also came to recite the prose of the writer. After falling into the arms of her great friend, the actress immediately set the tone. “Hey and my music from Exploited, where is it?“, she chanted, before a soundtrack came to accompany her arrival.

The two friends then engaged in the game of the playlist. And from the start, viewers understood that it was going to be rather Rock’N’Roll. Almost all of the tracks released were from the grunge band Nirvana. And when we asked what song Béatrice Dalle was listening to in secret, the latter again replied with a Nirvana title, justifying herself: “PWhy in secret? Because in fact I didn’t care about the questions and I just wanted to listen to Nirvana!” That has the merit of being clear…

Shortly before, the actress also recalled her fierce independence and her non-desire to take care of a child. “We are not necessarily fucking mothers. We are not necessarily here to put down”. Even though “I understand the extraordinary adventure that it must be” and that it respects the “women for whom it is the dream of a little girl” to have children, “I would have done it badly. It doesn’t touch me, it doesn’t move me”, she explained recently on France Inter.


See also: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine is loose about Yann Barthès!

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