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Social fraud has an impact on French public finances. But what is its real shortfall? The point with Catherine Rougerie, on the set of 19/20.
Social fraud represents a shortfall for the State, but its amount is difficult to assess, because She is by nature concealedee. This would represent a total of several billion euros. “Just for the benefits socialthe Court of Auditors estimates it at between 6 and 8 billion euros. It is nearly two times the culture budgete”explains Catherine Rougerie.
“This social fraud is much lower than tax evasion”
There are many frauds. Among them are family benefits fraud “estimated between 2.5 and 3.2 milliards of euros”. Then there is “benefits unduly paid by health insurance, between 1.1 and 1.3 billion euros”. The vast majority of these frauds come from professionals. Finally, there is “ind servicesduly paid by the pension funds: between 0.1 and 0.4 billion euros”, continues the journalist. Finally, “this social fraud is much lower than the tax fraud estimated at between 80 and 100 billion euros”concludes Catherine Rougerie.