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Rising gas prices have a huge impact for manycompanies French. How to cope?
In certain companies, gas is essential for the operation of machinery. So when prices soar, an entire system can be impacted. For one of them, the bill jumped 800%. If for the moment, the director passes on the increase to his clients, this solution will soon be insufficient. In the meantime, to limit costs, he tries as much as possible to avoid losses during cooking, in particular by multiplying reinforced quality controls.
In other companies, and especially among farmers, the temperature is lowered, sometimes up to three degrees. At night, the heating is switched off. Some plots are unused. “Anyway, we were no longer profitable at all“, confides Mireille Auda, manager of an edible flower farm. Despite these measures, the increase is still too high. The business manager will have to pass on the additional cost to the selling price.